Basement Sewage Flooding

Sewer Back Ups

The best course of action is to reach out to a reputable flood and water damage restoration company, like Nelson Fire and Flood Ltd

Emergency Sewer Backup

Emergency Sewer Backup

It goes without saying that a sewage backup is unpleasant. Wastewater stinks, is filled with things best left unmentioned and poses significant contamination and biohazard risks in addition to all of the other problems that can be caused by regular flood waters. Even more so than normal water damage, sewage backups need to be cleaned up and their damage restored as soon as possible, regardless of whether it is a toilet flooding or a septic backup.

Due to the unique dangers posed by basement sewage flooding, prompt action is needed to minimize damage, drain the waters, and decontaminate and clean the affected areas.

Category 3 Water Damage: Black Water

Category 3 Water Damage: Black Water

The reason that sewage backups are such a big deal is because they often involve what the industry refers to as “black water”, the third and most severe classification of flood water. Black water is highly contaminated and poses significant risk of illness or death if consumed by humans, but it can also make people sick by simply breathing in particles in the air or through other avenues of exposure. In addition to sewage backups, black water can come from rising floodwaters that spill into basements or when groundwater begins to flow into your property.

Some examples of Category 3 water damage

Some examples of Category 3 water damage

are sewage, flooding stemming from rivers or streams, water from the toilet bowl that contains feces, toilet overflows from beyond the toilet trap, and even standing water where microbial growth has begun.


Fully licensed, Trained, and Insured

Fully licensed, Trained, and Insured

In the event of a stressful incident like a sewage backup, it can be challenging to recall the necessary safety measures and proper flood management. The best course of action is to reach out to a reputable flood and water damage restoration company, like Nelson Fire and Flood Ltd., to safely and effectively handle any sewer or sewage backup situation. Our expertise extends to both commercial and residential properties, providing comprehensive flooded basement cleanup and disaster water damage services. From the initial assessment to managing insurance claims post-emergency, we’re here to assist every step of the way.

When confronted with a sewage backup in the west Kootenays, don’t leave anything to chance. Contact Nelson Fire and Flood Ltd. 24/7 to ensure your peace of mind